Practical ACT is committed to safeguarding the privacy of its visitors and complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Practical ACT will never sell visitor or customer data. The purpose of data collection is to be able to offer the services and products of Practical ACT effectively and efficiently. This privacy statement describes how Practical ACT collects information from its visitors and customers and how this information is used.
This privacy statement applies to the services of Practical ACT. By using this website, other websites or forms that refer to this statement; indicates that you accept Practical ACT's privacy policy.
This privacy statement sets out the purpose for which Practical ACT collects data, who the recipients of the data are, how long data is stored, rights that exist with regard to data collection and storage, when the provision of personal data is a contractual obligation, whether there is profiling and what the consequences are and what the identity is and what the contact details are for Practical ACT.
Collection of personal data
Practical ACT collects personal data in various ways. In some cases you provide this information yourself. In other cases, these are collected automatically. Below is stated when and how we collect your personal data.
If you visit the website of Practical ACT, regardless of whether you register for something, Practical ACT will receive personal data via Cookies via your web browser, if you give permission for this to be provided. These Cookies are used, for example, to recognize you on a subsequent visit. At the start of your visit to the website you can indicate whether or not to accept cookies.
If an agreement is concluded with Practical ACT because there is a free or paid service, your contact details will be included in the administration of Practical ACT. These are used to send relevant information such as invitations to meetings or invoicing. Practical ACT endeavors to only collect essential personal data and not to do this if this is not necessary.
Email messages are stored by Practical ACT. You can be asked for personal information if it is relevant. This will always be to support the implementation of the services that Practical ACT offers.
Data shared via social media can be used by Practical ACT to offer its services.
Which personal data and for what purpose?
When using the services of Practical ACT, the provision of certain basic data is a contractual obligation. The reason for this is that without processing data, the services of Practical ACT are impracticable.
For some registration forms, certain 'fields' of a registration form are required to complete in order to register. These fields are a participant's first name, last name and email address. Practical ACT only sets mandatory fields for personal data that are essential to carry out its core tasks. Such as being able to send the newsletter or an invitation to participate in a meeting.
Another example of mandatory fields are address details if a paid service is purchased from Practical ACT. In that case, Practical ACT is legally obliged to comply with invoicing guidelines. In that case, extra will be asked for any company name and address details.
Extra information that does not hinder core tasks can optionally be requested by Practical ACT. These fields are not necessary to be completed in order to participate in the offer for which the form is intended.
If a visitor or customer subscribes to the Practical ACT newsletter, he will be kept informed of Webinars and courses in the near future. Practical ACT will always explicitly request permission to subscribe to the newsletter. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. If someone subscribes or gives permission to receive this newsletter, Practical ACT can therefore use these personal data for marketing purposes.
Practical ACT can collect general information about the professional background or the province where someone is working. An example is that someone's professional background is 'POH-GGZ' with a specialism in 'MUS', and that they work in the province of 'Noord-Holland'.
This allows Practical ACT to roughly organize its contacts on a professional background. This is relevant for maintaining an overview of which offer or which cooperation options may be of interest to whom.
Sharing personal data with third parties
Practical ACT will never sell visitor or customer data. The purpose of data collection is to be able to offer the services of Practical ACT effectively and efficiently.
In addition to the parties listed below, your data will therefore not be provided to third parties. Practical ACT has processing agreements with the third parties listed below which can receive and process your data.
Practical ACT uses the website builder Weebly to offer its website. For more information about Weebly's privacy terms, please visit:
Practical ACT uses the business services of G Suite for its email address , address book, forms and temporary data storage. This is a business account. Practical ACT owns the data stored therein and it cannot be used without the permission of Practical ACT. For more information about G Suite's privacy terms, please visit: The Google add-ons of Digital Inspiration 'Email notifications for forms' (for automatic responses after filling out a form) and 'Mail Merge' (for sending the newsletter) are also used.
Billing information is removed from the G Suite Cloud within a month of sending the invoice. These are then archived on a physical data carrier that is encrypted and only accessible with a password for Practical ACT. If the legal retention period for invoicing has expired, these personal data will be destroyed.
Practical ACT uses Zoom software to offer its video conferencing services. For more information about Zoom's privacy terms, please visit:
Virtual meetings are only included if explicit permission has been given in advance by the participants. Practical ACT will always indicate how these recordings will be used, shared and stored.
An exception to the sharing of data with third parties, outside the aforementioned parties with whom Practical ACT has a processing agreement; can be for legal reasons. If that is the case, Practical ACT will endeavor to protect the interests of its visitors and participants.
Cookies and hyperlinks
Permission is requested for the use of Cookies on the Practical ACT website. Cookies are collected for functional and analytical purposes. Functional Cookies aim to make the website work better. Analytical Cookies show Practical ACT, among other things, which pages visitors view and through which page they enter.
Practical ACT uses hyperlinks, both in its website and in forms that are used. Practical ACT is not responsible for the content, privacy policy and use of Cookies of the websites to which the hyperlinks refer.
Retention period
Data is not kept longer than necessary. Legislation (think of mandatory administration) and practical considerations (think of contact persons) apply.
Inspection, modification or deletion of data
You have the right to view, change or have your data deleted. You also have the right to object to the processing of your data.
Information on website
Practical ACT cannot be held responsible for incomplete information on its website. Information on its website cannot be taken as advice. Decisions made by visitors or customers based on the information or services of Practical ACT are at your own risk and expense.
Coaching and consultancy
For coaching and consultancy assignments, data and notes are stored encrypted on a physical data carrier and not shared with third parties. These data will be destroyed after the end of the process, unless the client wishes to deviate from this because there may be further contacts in the future.
Business data
Practical ACT is a sole proprietor based in the United States of America. In the course of 2020 Practical ACT will settle in the Netherlands and register with the Chamber of Commerce. Contact details of Practical ACT are currently:
Practical ACT
Jan Steunenberg
Goeman Borgesiuslaan 77
3515 ET Utrecht
Tel. : 003130-3690471
Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn company page
KvK nr.: 78291038
Btw nr.: NL003313547B24
Rek nr.: NL37KNAB0403495377
Practical ACT has the right to make changes to its privacy statement. As a visitor and / or customer you are responsible for staying informed of the current privacy statement by visiting the website.
For questions about this privacy statement or if you want to exercise your rights as a visitor or customer, you can contact us via these contact details.
Practical ACT will never sell visitor or customer data. The purpose of data collection is to be able to offer the services and products of Practical ACT effectively and efficiently. This privacy statement describes how Practical ACT collects information from its visitors and customers and how this information is used.
This privacy statement applies to the services of Practical ACT. By using this website, other websites or forms that refer to this statement; indicates that you accept Practical ACT's privacy policy.
This privacy statement sets out the purpose for which Practical ACT collects data, who the recipients of the data are, how long data is stored, rights that exist with regard to data collection and storage, when the provision of personal data is a contractual obligation, whether there is profiling and what the consequences are and what the identity is and what the contact details are for Practical ACT.
Collection of personal data
Practical ACT collects personal data in various ways. In some cases you provide this information yourself. In other cases, these are collected automatically. Below is stated when and how we collect your personal data.
If you visit the website of Practical ACT, regardless of whether you register for something, Practical ACT will receive personal data via Cookies via your web browser, if you give permission for this to be provided. These Cookies are used, for example, to recognize you on a subsequent visit. At the start of your visit to the website you can indicate whether or not to accept cookies.
If an agreement is concluded with Practical ACT because there is a free or paid service, your contact details will be included in the administration of Practical ACT. These are used to send relevant information such as invitations to meetings or invoicing. Practical ACT endeavors to only collect essential personal data and not to do this if this is not necessary.
Email messages are stored by Practical ACT. You can be asked for personal information if it is relevant. This will always be to support the implementation of the services that Practical ACT offers.
Data shared via social media can be used by Practical ACT to offer its services.
Which personal data and for what purpose?
When using the services of Practical ACT, the provision of certain basic data is a contractual obligation. The reason for this is that without processing data, the services of Practical ACT are impracticable.
For some registration forms, certain 'fields' of a registration form are required to complete in order to register. These fields are a participant's first name, last name and email address. Practical ACT only sets mandatory fields for personal data that are essential to carry out its core tasks. Such as being able to send the newsletter or an invitation to participate in a meeting.
Another example of mandatory fields are address details if a paid service is purchased from Practical ACT. In that case, Practical ACT is legally obliged to comply with invoicing guidelines. In that case, extra will be asked for any company name and address details.
Extra information that does not hinder core tasks can optionally be requested by Practical ACT. These fields are not necessary to be completed in order to participate in the offer for which the form is intended.
If a visitor or customer subscribes to the Practical ACT newsletter, he will be kept informed of Webinars and courses in the near future. Practical ACT will always explicitly request permission to subscribe to the newsletter. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. If someone subscribes or gives permission to receive this newsletter, Practical ACT can therefore use these personal data for marketing purposes.
Practical ACT can collect general information about the professional background or the province where someone is working. An example is that someone's professional background is 'POH-GGZ' with a specialism in 'MUS', and that they work in the province of 'Noord-Holland'.
This allows Practical ACT to roughly organize its contacts on a professional background. This is relevant for maintaining an overview of which offer or which cooperation options may be of interest to whom.
Sharing personal data with third parties
Practical ACT will never sell visitor or customer data. The purpose of data collection is to be able to offer the services of Practical ACT effectively and efficiently.
In addition to the parties listed below, your data will therefore not be provided to third parties. Practical ACT has processing agreements with the third parties listed below which can receive and process your data.
Practical ACT uses the website builder Weebly to offer its website. For more information about Weebly's privacy terms, please visit:
Practical ACT uses the business services of G Suite for its email address , address book, forms and temporary data storage. This is a business account. Practical ACT owns the data stored therein and it cannot be used without the permission of Practical ACT. For more information about G Suite's privacy terms, please visit: The Google add-ons of Digital Inspiration 'Email notifications for forms' (for automatic responses after filling out a form) and 'Mail Merge' (for sending the newsletter) are also used.
Billing information is removed from the G Suite Cloud within a month of sending the invoice. These are then archived on a physical data carrier that is encrypted and only accessible with a password for Practical ACT. If the legal retention period for invoicing has expired, these personal data will be destroyed.
Practical ACT uses Zoom software to offer its video conferencing services. For more information about Zoom's privacy terms, please visit:
Virtual meetings are only included if explicit permission has been given in advance by the participants. Practical ACT will always indicate how these recordings will be used, shared and stored.
An exception to the sharing of data with third parties, outside the aforementioned parties with whom Practical ACT has a processing agreement; can be for legal reasons. If that is the case, Practical ACT will endeavor to protect the interests of its visitors and participants.
Cookies and hyperlinks
Permission is requested for the use of Cookies on the Practical ACT website. Cookies are collected for functional and analytical purposes. Functional Cookies aim to make the website work better. Analytical Cookies show Practical ACT, among other things, which pages visitors view and through which page they enter.
Practical ACT uses hyperlinks, both in its website and in forms that are used. Practical ACT is not responsible for the content, privacy policy and use of Cookies of the websites to which the hyperlinks refer.
Retention period
Data is not kept longer than necessary. Legislation (think of mandatory administration) and practical considerations (think of contact persons) apply.
Inspection, modification or deletion of data
You have the right to view, change or have your data deleted. You also have the right to object to the processing of your data.
Information on website
Practical ACT cannot be held responsible for incomplete information on its website. Information on its website cannot be taken as advice. Decisions made by visitors or customers based on the information or services of Practical ACT are at your own risk and expense.
Coaching and consultancy
For coaching and consultancy assignments, data and notes are stored encrypted on a physical data carrier and not shared with third parties. These data will be destroyed after the end of the process, unless the client wishes to deviate from this because there may be further contacts in the future.
Business data
Practical ACT is a sole proprietor based in the United States of America. In the course of 2020 Practical ACT will settle in the Netherlands and register with the Chamber of Commerce. Contact details of Practical ACT are currently:
Practical ACT
Jan Steunenberg
Goeman Borgesiuslaan 77
3515 ET Utrecht
Tel. : 003130-3690471
Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn company page
KvK nr.: 78291038
Btw nr.: NL003313547B24
Rek nr.: NL37KNAB0403495377
Practical ACT has the right to make changes to its privacy statement. As a visitor and / or customer you are responsible for staying informed of the current privacy statement by visiting the website.
For questions about this privacy statement or if you want to exercise your rights as a visitor or customer, you can contact us via these contact details.